After a year of cultivation, months of planning and mobilisation, the first ever Englishjer camp sees light and for the first time we are gathered together under the same drive of making education awesome and cool.. Well, that's the hope anyway. I'm confident we can do this.

Oh, of course in this first post I'd like to thank Yayasan Peneraju for their kind and generous support for the inaugural camp! We have long searched for a partner in propagating the Englishjer philosophy in learning and we couldn't ask for anyone better!

The first meetings with the Campmasters on the 18th and 20th February was held in the cozy Yayasan Peneraju HQ. It was great to finally sit down with everyone to discuss very vital aspects of the camp - like the camp mascot's name for example. Meet Atan! He's a vegetarian and has a cute little moustache that he carries around.

We also discussed roles and the camp schedule - glad we sorted that out. We had to take a vote on who would have to be responsible if someone suddenly passes out (hopefully not from over-eating). Don't worry, campers and guests, for you are in good hands! The only person who has never been to a camping trip is EJ.

Well, that's it for now! Looking forward to see the Campers this weekend!

(More pictures next time, I promise!)